About Us

Since its inception in 1995,  Africa Legal Aid (AFLA) has consistently worked to promote human rights and international justice in Africa. It plays a key role in espousing a victim-centred and gender-sensitive approach to justice by working with victims, vulnerable groups and civil societies, whilst also working within national, regional, and international institutions with the aim of building an African continent that is ruled by just principles of law.

AFLA incorporates gender perspectives in all its activities.



AFLA was established to address the human rights challenges facing Africa and to reform the human rights culture in Africa. It is a culture of massive human rights violations across the board. They include genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, violations of personal security rights, and breaches of core economic, social, and cultural rights.

AFLA seeks a new African dawn where the rights of all shall be respected and protected without distinction of gender, race, ethnicity, political and religious affiliation and other unacceptable forms of differentiation.



AFLA creates opportunities through which legal institutions in Africa can germinate norms and practices that abhor rights violations. At the core of AFLA’s mandate, therefore, is a push towards a new and progressive legal awareness.



Africa Legal Aid has consistently worked to promote human rights and accountability in Africa, adopting a gender-sensitive and victim-centred approach to justice.

‘Translating paper-written rights into a practical reality is the spirit behind AFLA’s motto: Making Human Rights a Reality.’

— Evelyn A. Ankumah, Executive Director of Africa Legal Aid

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